RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association

Skier's Digest


Skier's Digest

Regular price $27.95 Sale price $19.50
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Skier's Digest 

Covino, Frank (1976), 'Skier's Digest,' Second Edition, DBI Books, Northfield, Illinois, USA 

Softcover = 288 pages 
Condition = Fair secondhand (tiny tears to thin pages, tattered edge to cover, faded spine) 

A compendium of the Skiing experience! 

Skiing is not racing against a clock, 

not a triple inverted moebius flip, 

not the precise form of an expert technician, 

not a world of happy faces and well-shaped bodies, 

not a flight into unexplored territory and virgin snow, 

not a God-like feeling of control over natural elements. 

SKIING is all of these things . . . . 

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