RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association


RAVSTASS is an Independent Multi-Sport Association. 
River | Air | Valley | Sea | Track | Aim | Snow | Stadium
RAVSTASS Mission. To bring together individuals, groups, teams and clubs into our eight divisions through the administration of one efficient association.
RAVSTASS Vision. A single membership which opens opportunities to participate in activities, share knowledge and access vast resources by building a network across otherwise unrelated disciplines. 
RAVSTASS Ethos. Our aim is to create opportunities, mentor and develop pathways for progression.
RAVEN Values 
R - Responsible to the environment, our communities and each other. 
A - Aspiring to improve ourselves, our environment, and collectively the association. 
V - Volunteer to help, lead, teach, coach and mentor others.
E - Explore to broaden our reach, as well as what we are individually and collectively capable of.
N - Nifty, agile and skillful, by improving our capability, effectiveness and influence. 
S - Sure, confident and purposeful, in our abilities while keeping safety supreme. 
Contact RAVSTASS here
Joining RAVSTASS is free, Join Now! 
Sapientem Vafer Corax
RAVSTASS Crest® Ravens occurs in many mythologies around the world, often with morbid themes which remind us of the inherit risks in extreme sports.  Our Raven is a legacy from the founders heraldry tracing back to the reign of King Mathias Corvinus over 500 years ago.  The return of the Raven from battles was taken to be a good omen.  Upon landing on the castle gates, it brought in its beak and claws enemy artefacts messaging victory.  Ravens have tremendous vocabularies and our open beak, denotes our role in messaging multi-sports.  The empty claws denotes our economical use of resources as a nonprofit association.  The genus ‘Corvus’ is latin and whence King Corvinus was named. Ravens are found in almost every corner of the world. The Australian Raven is often mistaken for crows, reminding us of our next role in coaching sports and improving multi-sport pathways. Inhabiting Australia from coast to coast together with the Little Raven and Forest Raven we are reminded of our diverse membership. Our Ravens open wings symbolise the breadth of environments the Australian Raven spans and outlines our growth ambitions through introducing more members to new environments.  The reflex blue and grey are artefacts of the university colour codes where the idea for RAVSTASS originated through volunteer club administration.  The Raven being a highly intelligent bird is a preview into our mindset for the efficiency gains that multi-sports shared services can deliver.  The Raven's right claw firmly planted is our first obligation to safely. The left claw in moment of leaving the post is synchronised with eyes looking forward, reminding us of the need to plan for success.  The prevalence of black and white in the logo is reference to antient duality and more contemporarily with the chequer flag; inspiring us to our goals through competition.  The gentle ascending slope connecting the wing tips, illustrates our patience to grow through developing emerging leaders.  The tall lettering indicates our aims for vertical integration as being more worthy of our focus than merely a large membership.  The equal height of the lettering emphasises our desire to focus evenly toward each division.  The lettering is an acronym for our eight divisions denoting the environments in which we conduct our activities. RAVSTASS was conceptualised on the 26 Nov 2013 with the vision of bringing together these divisions into a single organisation. On 10 Apr 2015 the Foundation Meeting of the Association was held. The Association was duly Incorporated on 21 May 2015 with this crest. On 27 Feb 2024, the Crest was secured under a Certificate of Trade Mark Registration

Ravens Logo. Comrade Member, Nick Clancey, designed the entirety of the RAVSTASS Clothing and apparel range between 2016 and 2020.  As a member of the RAVSTASS SA Masters Games (SAMG) Basketball team which won Gold in 2018, he envisaged a new uniform design dedicated to this team for future tournaments.  The new design incorporated an evolution of the RAVSTASS Crest with an animated Raven.  The dominant lettering is Ravens which aligns with how our teams are more commonly entered.  The miniature 'H' at bottom of the lettering is artefact of the Hardwood Sports clothing brand which RAVSTASS acquired in 2020 and through which the RAVSTASS branding matured.  The Raven is facing to the future, is squarely focused on the objective ahead with sharpened claws ready for competition.  The blue feathers under the wing represent the eight (8) sporting divisions RAVSTASS manages.  The high wings affirm our previous achievements and the beak reaching forward signals our future aspirations. 

RAVSTASS Stripes. The Striped Logo was released in 2023 as an enhancement of the Crest Lettering. The Strip colours represent each of the RAVSTASS Divisions: River (Ochre), Air (Sky Blue), Valley (Forest Green), Sea (Sea Blue), Track (Racing Green), Aim (Crimson Red), Snow (Moonlit Snow), Stadium (Reflex Blue). The colours are positioned horizontally to denote that regardless of activity, all our members are on an equal footing. The unbroken chain of colours, characterises our aims to bring forth opportunities for members to move seamlessly through otherwise unrelated disciplines. The blue line at bottom, is also in perfect parallel, and illustrates that the Association collectively supports all of our divisions through a unique administration of shared services. Both lines are the same width, which reminds us to strive to promote the Association and each Division in equal measure. 

Our Why....  

Community. Sports means more to players than competition and good health. Many people remain committed in their sport teams for the camaraderie beyond their ambition for the sport itself. For all of us, sports is our community, our friendship base and what we do. We believe that by building a Multi-Sports Association, it widens the choice for everyone, by providing a range of activities, within a single community. Also, as we are not limited by geography, our players have the ability to join various teams in different leagues, competitions and tournaments. Owning a RAVSTASS uniform opens a world of choices. 

Facilities. We have all been to a country town, with tumble weed blowing across the broken asphalt of a once loved tennis court. Migration to cities, combined with the increased range of sports available, has diluted the participation numbers for former core sports. The upkeep of facilities has therefore become harder for clubs to manage themselves. And when council and government can assist, we noted regrettable duplication of similar amenities through sports clubs being dispersed across towns. We have a more efficient and effective vision, to bring a collection of today's sports into a multi-sport facility. In a similar way that YMCA centres catered for last century's sports, we have the vision for tomorrow's Multi-Sport complexes. 

Administration. How many club meetings are deserted, but for a passionate committee, often filling several roles just to stay breathing. Running a club is hard work, made harder by knowledge there are better ways, but the numbers just don't make it possible to upgrade systems. We saw this a decade ago, and perfected the systems to administer over 100 clubs, before we embarked on forming RAVSTASS. While over the same time, there has been an improvement for communities who have constructed shared facilities, we bring shared administration under a single Multi-Sport Association. 

Learning. As we expanded across different sports, it struck us that sports coaching becomes dogmatic. Central concepts like balance, was taught remarkably differently across sports. Coaches, like athletes can also become stuck in a single sport. We believe that coaches and athletes who are exposed to a range of concepts are more effective at understanding and thereby relating the underlying principles. We believe our approach builds confidence and competence and sets the path for early mastery. 

Our Brands 

Hardwood Sports, is our clothing and apparel brand.