Future Facilities Plan
RAVSTASS has a vision for Multi-Sport facilities; suited to land, air, and water based activities.
1. Principles: 'Outline of a System of Design for Multi-Sport Facilities'
2. Survey: RAVSTASS Sports Divisions Map. (Refer layer: 'Multi-Sport World Search')
3. Our Brief: RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Facility Concept Brief (Download .pptx)
4. Feedback: Send us your Comments or email ravstass@ravstass.com
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RAVSTASS (2021), 'Outline of a System of Design for Multi-Sport Facilities,' RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association Incorporated, Adelaide, SA, Australia, www.ravstass.com/pages/FutureFacilities
Regions with a Coastal approach to Alpine areas are best suited to support Multi-Sport activities. The full range of natural features including rivers, valleys and lakes also occur; which collectively are capable of supporting all Maritime, Aviation, Alpine and Land based activities. e.g South Coast, NSW & South Island, NZ.
Locations within 'Article I - Regions' where Rivers intersect with the Coast are ideal to situate a Multi-Sport precinct, owing to flat terrain suitable for an airfield and the proximity to waterways for River & Sea sports satisfying the shared need for convenient storage of aircraft & vessels at point of use. e.g. Moruya, NSW & Westport Airport, NZ.
Waterfronts used as 'Article II - Locations' should have immediate waterfront preserved for community use, by enforcing setback of Roads, Lots and Buildings from the waterfront; in order that walking and cycling paths connecting park areas is unhindered the entire length of the waterfront. Councils should continue to control and maintain green space areas, in order to prevent operators from reducing precincts to exclusive gated communities. e.g. Greymouth Airport, NZ, Sunriver Airport, Oregon, USA (non-example Sunrise Skypark, Idaho, USA).
Buildings should be constructed to take advantage of 'Article III - Waterfronts' by being double-facing common facilities positioned near waterway (with aforementioned set-back) to enable access to water and aviation activities e.g. Mustang Beach Airport, Pt Aransas, Texas, USA. It is recommended that buildings be constructed in order that the roofing ridgeline is continuous and parallel with the airstrip and that windows be facing the building front and back (nil on sides), thereby facilitating future expansion lengthways. e.g. Dillingham Airfield Hangars, Honolulu, Hawaii. It is recommended that buildings be two-storey double facing with downstairs consisting of garage/hangar space to improve resilience against flooding. Staircases be located internally to restrict unauthorised upstairs access. Common amenity facilities, including kitchen areas, and bathrooms be located upstairs (to also protect from flooding) and in order to preserve an open plan layout and enable customisation to suit a variety of tenant requirements.
Traffic accessing 'Article IV - Buildings' should be via a purpose built driveway, and not placed alongside an existing road; thereby excluding thoroughfare traffic, and promoting pedestrian safety in the area. It is recommended that parking be contained within the middle of the entry and exit driveways, furthering safety by reducing need for reversing out of parking bays. The driveway outer-edges adjacent to the buildings and the park respectively, be designated clearways and therefore remain clear of obstructions, further promoting pedestrian safety.
Tenancy should be managed by Local Council (or through an authorised Sports Association on council's behalf) in order to lease tenancies to Sports Clubs and Community Service Organisations that will yield increased social engagement within the community. This enables Council to periodically review levels of community contribution and adjust the tenancy to provide the best sporting mix. Council ownership is important to prevent such facilities becoming gated resorts; that service exclusive niche interests.
Footprint for noise shall, through careful management in accordance with 'Article VI - Tenants' be progressively compressed, thereby benefiting the wider municipality as noise producing activities are co-located to the Multi-Sport precinct. e.g. Bairnsdale Aerodrome, VIC. The precinct should also be enveloped with a green belt (such as a golf course/archery park) to provide a noise buffer, as well as aesthetic perimeter, firebreak and avoidance of a heat island. The green belt will also contribute to carbon neutralising the operations of the precinct and further promote sporting variety, across all weather conditions, while also generating multiple income streams. e.g. Sunriver Airport & Golf Course, Oregon, USA.
RAVSTASS Multi-Sport World Facilities Search (Google Map)
RAVSTASS Facility Tours Playlists (YouTube)
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