RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association

Child Safe Organisation

RAVSTASS Code of Conduct for a Child Safe Organisation

Caring for children and young people brings additional responsibilities for leaders and volunteers of RAVSTASS. All members of our Association are responsible for promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:

  • Keeping to the Association's child safe policy at all times and taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and protection of children and young people. 
  • Treating everyone (this includes staff, volunteers, students, children, young people and parents) including those of different race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes and religious beliefs with respect and honesty and ensure equity is upheld. 
  • Being a positive role model to children and young people and in all conduct with them. 
  • Setting clear boundaries about appropriate behaviour between yourself and the children and young people in our organisation – boundaries help everyone to understand their roles. 
  • Listening and responding appropriately to the views and concerns of children and young people. 
  • Being alert to bullying behaviours and responding promptly and appropriately. 
  • Ensuring another adult is always present or in sight when conducting one on one coaching, instruction or other activity. 
  • Being alert to children and young people who are, or may be at risk of harm, and reporting this quickly to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78). 
  • Responding quickly, fairly and transparently to any complaints made by a child, young person or their parent/guardian. 
  • Encouraging children and young people to ‘have a say’ on issues that are important to them. 

Members, Volunteers and Leaders should obtain the following prior to applying for a leadership position, in particular where that position will include working with children. In addition, the Elected Committee may stipulate the following as a requirement, prior to appointment: 

  • Obtain a Working With Children Check (WWCS);  
  • Obtain a National Police Certificate (NPC);
  • Complete relevant training courses via www.playbytherules.net.au; and 
  • Sign acknowledgement of this Code of Conduct (see bottom). 

Members, Volunteers and Leaders must not:

  • Engage in rough physical games. 
  • Develop any ‘special’ relationships with children and young people that could be seen as favouritism such as the offering of gifts or special treatment. 
  • Do things of a personal nature that a child or young person can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes. 
  • Discriminate against any child or young person because of age, gender, cultural background, religion, vulnerability or sexuality.  

Reporting a Breach of the Code of Conduct

A report of a breach, or perceived breach of the Code of Conduct is to be made to a member of the Elected Committee

Child Safe Officer - RAVSTASS Public Officer 
Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) - RAVSTASS Secretary 
Complaints Investigator - RAVSTASS Public Officer 

Consequences of Breaching the Code of Conduct

Breaches of this code of conduct, will be referred IAW Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 and the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016. Following report of a breach, the RAVSTASS' Rules of Association will be enacted IAW Rule 5.4 Expulsion of a Member


I agree to abide by this code of conduct


Signature:…………………………………………… Date:………………………. 


Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 
Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 
Dept of Human Services - Child Safe Environments (Resources
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing - Sports Vouchers 
Play by the Rules - www.playbytherules.net.au