RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association


The RAVSTASS advantage: RAVSTASS is an Independent Multi-Sport Association, removing inefficiency through the administration and development of sports and their facilities that enable multiple sports. 

The problem we solve: Traditional sports clubs are single sport oriented. Club participation costs have discouraged individuals from pursuing a variety of sports. We believe that funding is presently inefficient and wasted on duplicated infrastructure, facilities and amenities, that for most days of the week is idle. Traditional local clubs are also geographically named and limited to their catchment area. Modern lifestyle is increasingly mobile and the lack of certainty for where our careers will take us, makes a membership outlay risky.  RAVSTASS solves this by being everywhere, we are not locked to a single location and we do not charge membership fees, the costs for any individual is dependent on the sport/activity they are participating in. 

Funding is efficient with RAVSTASS: The future is Multi-Sports administration. Comparable to the trend towards Multi-Sport facilities, RAVSTASS takes this further to sports administration. It is a common challenge for local councils to achieve harmony among clubs sharing a mixed purpose sporting facility. RAVSTASS proposes to solve these relationship problems by merging Multi-Sports Facilities under Multi-Sports Administration. 

We believe: We believe that this mindset shift will deliver thrifty solutions for participants and achieve improved distribution of capital and government funding. We believe the existing model of single sport clubs will increasingly become redundant. 
Contact our Treasurer for more information. 

Building Better Regions Fund 
Department of Defence 
Defence Innovation Network (DIN) 
Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development & Cities
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program 
Stronger Communities Programme  
Australian Sports Commission
Community Sport Infrastructure 
SA Government  
Active Club Program - Program & Equipment 
Community Recreation & Sport Facilities Program 
Funding Process 
Veterans SA: State Grant Program 
NSW Government 
Everyone Can Play Grants 
Greener Neighbourhoods Grant Program 
Multi-Sport Community Facility Grant 
Open Spaces Program 
Play On: Participation Grants 
Regional Growth Fund 
Special Activation Precincts 
QLD Government 
Fair Play Voucher 
Queensland Government Grants 
Victorian Government Grants 
Change our Game Community Activation Grants Program 
TAS Government 
Communities, Sport & Recreation Grants Programs 
Improving the Playing Field Program 
VIC Government 
Country Football & Netball Program 
Emergency Sporting Equipment Grants 
Motorsport Clubs Grant 
Pick My Project 
Sporting Club Grants Program 
VicHealth: The Big Connect 
Youth Engagement Grants 
WA Government 
Club Night Lights Program 
Community Place Based Grants 
Community Sporting & Recreation Facilities Fund 
Adelaide City Council: Grants, Sponsorship & Incentives  
Murray Bridge Council: Sport & Rec Facilities Grants & S & R Strategy 
Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal: Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Program 
AMP Foundation: AMP's Tomorrow Fund 
Australian Sports Commission: Local Sporting Champions 
Australian Sports Commission: Women Leaders in Sport Grants 
Australian Sports Foundation: ASF Grants / Active Kids 
Cadbury: Get in the Game Grants 
Innovation & Collaboration Centre (ICC): Venture Catalyst 
Paralympic Australia: List of Programs & Grants & Funding 
Rebel Sport: Rebel Community Givebacks 
Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus): Event Support Grants  
Fiona McEachern Sport Development Funding (APF) 
Lisa Perdichizzi Scholarship (APF) 
- Special Project Funding (APF) 
- Skydive Event Funding (SA Sports Parachute Club) 
- Skydive Event Funding (NSW Parachute Council) 
Sports Community: Open Grants Listing & Information for Winning Grants 
St George: Foundation Community Grant 
The Snow Foundation: Standard Grant Conditions 
University of South Australia: Student Scholarships and Grants 
Grant Application Process: 
1. RAVSTASS Member identifies a grant. 
2. RAVSTASS Member draft application as required by the grant. In doing so the grant will likely require evidence such as the Certificate of Incorporation, our Values and Achievements: 
2a. Key supporting documents are listed under Committee Milestones
2b. Rules of Association (Constitution). 
2c. Demonstrated achievements are listed on our Honour Board.
2d. Our Mission, Vision & Values are listed on our About page. 
3. RAVSTASS Member forwards the drafted application to the Treasurer
4. RAVSTASS Treasurer will: 
4a. Create a grant finance code
4b. Endorse the application, including required financial detail; 
4c. Raise a covering letter; 
4d. Return package to the RAVSTASS Member for submission. 
5. RAVSTASS Member lodges the grant application, including attachments and covering letter. 


Treasurer updates this page.