RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association Incorporated
ABN 84 391 163 868
as at 30 Jun
FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | |
Cash | 3,490.54 | 3,168.90 | 2,709.19 | 1,956.86 | 1,892.38 | 5,049.73 | 2,497.24 | 6,780.05 |
Debtors | 385.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 115.00 | 250.00 | 1,646.00 | 0.00 |
Stock | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 919.00 | 2,196.00 | 1,505.50 | 1,263.50 |
Asset Register | 3,044.76 | 3,197.65 | 4,472.67 | 6,104.57 | 6,725.07 | 6,605.44 | 7,020.18 | 6,229.18 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 6,920.30 | 6,366.55 | 7,181.86 | 8,061.43 | 9,651.45 | 14,101.17 | 12,668.92 | 14,272.73 |
Accounts Payable | 0.00 | 175.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 24.72 |
Intra-Liabilities | 385.00 | 385.00 | 185.00 | 0.00 | 2,037.41 | 3,050.77 | 1,619.53 | 2,275.45 |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 385.00 | 560.00 | 185.00 | 0.00 | 2,037.41 | 3,050.77 | 1,619.53 | 2,300.17 |
NET ASSETS | 6,535.30 | 5,806.55 | 6,996.86 | 8,061.43 | 7,614.04 | 11,050.40 | 11,049.39 | 11,972.56 |
Accumulated Surplus | 260.31 | 3,314.79 | 3,017.22 | 3,027.53 | 2,335.20 | 2,743.22 | 5,550.94 | 2,506.69 |
Current Year Surplus | 3,054.48 | (297.57) | 10.31 | (692.33) | 408.02 | 2,807.72 | (3,044.25) | 3,491.81 |
Contributions | 3,220.51 | 2,789.33 | 3,969.33 | 5,726.33 | 4,870.82 | 5,499.46 | 8,542.70 | 5,974.06 |
EQUITY | 6,535.30 | 5,806.55 | 6,996.86 | 8,061.43 | 7,614.04 | 11,050.40 | 11,049.39 | 11,972.56 |
RAVSTASS Multi-Sport Association Incorporated
ABN 84 391 163 868
for the period ending 30 Jun
FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 | |
Income | 6,989.05 | 887.37 | 2,751.49 | 1,235.47 | 11,960.43 | 13,542.02 | 9,037.92 | 18,172.05 |
Bank Interest | 6.52 | 17.22 | 11.57 | 2.55 | 1.16 | 0.79 | 46.72 | 64.09 |
TOTAL INCOME | 6,995.57 | 904.59 | 2,763.06 | 1,238.02 | 11,961.59 | 13,542.81 | 9,084.64 | 18,236.14 |
Supplier Payments | 3,821.09 | 1,082.16 | 2,632.75 | 1,810.35 | 10,426.07 | 10,265.46 | 11,517.13 | 13,833.33 |
Bank Account Fees | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 | 120.00 |
Depreciation & Disposals | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1,007.50 | 349.63 | 491.76 | 791.00 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | 3,941.09 | 1,202.16 | 2,752.75 | 1,930.35 | 11,553.57 | 10,735.09 | 12,128.89 | 14,744.33 |
NET SURPLUS | 3,054.48 | (297.57) |
10.31 | (692.33) | 408.02 | 2,807.72 | (3,044.25) | 3,491.81 |
Cash - Balance decrease is reflected in the reduction in Intra-Liabilities, and increase in the Asset Register over the period, as well as pending cash from anticipated debtor payments.
Debtors - $1,646 represents all unpaid invoices issued. All registered basketball players were invoiced for Summer 22/23 & Winter 2023. In previous years, invoices were not raised for these types of debts, instead relying on team managers to follow-up with players.
Debtors - $250 represents current invoice issued from website. Previous Debtor value of $115 from FY21 had invoice cancelled as products were transferred onto the Loan Register.
Intra-Liabilities - Figure represents all relevant Division/Sports/Clubs/Teams (i.e. non-HQ) that are currently in surplus.
Intra-Liabilities - During the financial year the P&L coding system was implemented to break-up the P&L by division/activity. The incomes/expenses and associated surplus' accumulated for divisions/activities is now recognised and reported to sports/activity managers monthly. Accordingly, the total of these internal line items is recognised as a liability for the Association. The effect of this was a retracement of net assets.
Intra-Liabilities - $385 held in Trust for Southern Kings was reduced by $200 due to forfeit fines paid on 4Mar19. Remaining balance as at EOFY19 $185. Further expense of $360 incurred, which was paid on 30Jan20 for cancelled training sessions that were late advised.
Invoices Payable - $175 awaiting invoice from EHBA.
Intra-Liabilities - Funds of $385 returned by Port Adelaide Council for Kilburn Community Centre and held on behalf of Southern Kings.
Debtors - Key and Bond deposit of $385 paid to Port Adelaide Council for Kilburn Community Centre stadium access (Key Deposit $55, Bond $330).
Intra-Liabilities - Key & Bond deposit funds belong to Southern Kings Basketball.
Direct Deposits - Included $2,595.76 in Donations.
Direct Deposits - Included $724.35 in Donations.
FY15 - Represented period from 10 April 15 to 30 Jun 15. 10 April was date of Pre-Incorporation General Meeting.
Invoices Payable - Represents payments to various suppliers which were grouped together as reimbursement. This was necessary in order to pay suppliers on time while waiting-out for dedicated RAVSTASS bank accounts to be opened. Further expenses were incurred prior to incorporation and paid under direct sponsorship by the founder.
Online Payments - Included PayPal transaction fees. PayPal no longer used for gateway.
Recommended reading on Accounting Definitions.
ATO Income Tax Exemption Guidance for Sporting Organisations.
Coding Transactions
To be able to run separate Income Statements to internally manage, track and budget separate sports and activities, the following coding of transactions needs to be applied to banking transactions and online transactions. This is to be managed by the Committee and guidance provided where delegated to other managers to effect transactions. This will enable performance reporting at macro level of each division and micro level of each sport/activity.
Coding of transactions is made up of eight (8) characters:
1st Character = R for RAVSTASS.
2nd = Division (see second column below).
3rd & 4th Characters = Activity (if no specific activity = AA).
5th & 6th Characters = Reason.
7th & 8th Characters = Detail (default is 00).
For example....
R8BA1100 = Stadium Division Basketball Team Operations.
R1AA5300 = River Division All Activities Sponsorship from a Community group.
R6GO6100 = Aim Division Golf specific Grant from a Business.
R0AA8900 = HQ Interest earned.
The last two (2) characters, placed 7th & 8th are by default 00.
To request further codes be added, please contact the Treasurer.
Leaders receive an End of Month Performance Report, with progressive updates of the financial activity of each line item code.
Character (1st) CodeID |
Digits (2nd) Division |
Characters (3rd & 4th) Activity |
Digits (5th & 6th) Reason |
R = RAVSTASS | 0 = Shared Services 1 = River 2 = Air 3 = Valley 4 = Sea 5 = Track 6 = Aim 7 = Snow 8 = Stadium 9 = Multi-Sports |
AA = All Activities AR = Archery BA = Basketball DA = Darts DR = Drones GK = Go Karting GO = Golf HI = Hiking JS = Jet Ski KA = Kayaking MB = Mountain Biking MO = Motorcycling MR = Model Racing NE = Netball PO = Pool RC = Rockclimbing SC = Scuba SH = Shooting SK = Skydiving SL = Slackilining SU = Surfing TP = Ten Pin Bowling WA = Waterskiing |
10 = Operations 11 = Operations Teams 12 = Operations Events 13 = Operations Awards 20 = Material Support 21 = Support First Aid 22 = Support Signage 23 = Support Stationery 24 = Support Electronics 29 = Support to Individual Athletes 30 = Membership 31 = Membership Subscriptions 32 = Membership Discount Cards 33 = Membership Postage 34 = Membership Merchandise 40 = Donations 41 = Donations Businesses 42 = Donations Organisations 42 = Donations Community 43 = Donations Members 50 = Sponsorship 51 = Sponsorship Businesses 52 = Sponsorship Organisations 53 = Sponsorship Community 54 = Sponsorship Members 60 = Grants & Subsidies 61 = Grants Businesses 62 = Grants Organisations 63 = Grants Community 64 = Grants Members 65 = Grants Government 66 = Subsidies Government 70 = Committee 71 = Committee Association Incorporation 72 = Committee Insurance 73 = Committee Business Cards 74 = Committee Cloud Storage 80 = Finance 81 = Finance Banking 82 = Finance Auditing 83 = Finance Accounting 90 = Vending 91 = Vending Hire 92 = Vending New Books 93 = Vending Used Books 94 = Vending New Clothing 95 = Vending Used Clothing 96 = Vending New Equipment 97 = Vending Used Equipment 98 = Vending POS Websites 99 = Vending HDWD |