Risk Management
RESPONSE. Assess casualties.
SEND FOR HELP. Call 112 or 000.
(SMS 106 for text-based relay service for hearing or speech impaired)
[Poisons 13 11 26. After hours GP 1800 022 222].
The nearest medical facility is ___________________
AIRWAY. Open airways.
BREATHING. Normal Breathing?
CPR. Start CPR. 30 compressions : 2 breaths
DEFIBRILLATOR. Attach Defibrillator and follow prompts.
Continue CPR until responsiveness or normal breathing return.
LIKELY | Collaborate | Collaborate | STOP | STOP |
POSSIBLE | Competent | Collaborate | Collaborate | STOP |
UNLIKELY | Competent | Competent | Collaborate | Collaborate |
RARE | Individual |
Competent | Competent | Competent |
Black must NEVER be conducted. Raise a Near Miss Incident Report. Activity must be made Yellow or Green to resume.
Red must be STOPPED. Raise a Near Miss Incident Report. Activity must be made Yellow or Green to resume.
Yellow must not be conducted internally. RAVSTASS is not insured to run activities directly. Members may represent RAVSTASS indirectly through externally operated activities, competitions, training and events where an event, club, association, facility, or organisation has pre-arranged safety management policies, processes and insurance.
1. RAVSTASS Rock Climbing team of competent climbers competing at a rock climbing event managed by another organisation with appropriate insurance and controls.
2. RAVSTASS Basketball team competing in a league, where players pay insurance and are registered with the competition.
3. RAVSTASS Motorcyclists participating in a Track Day at a circuit which carries necessary insurance and the rider is licensed and complies with requirements of the hosting organisation.
4. RAVSTASS Learner Scuba Divers conducting training with an external scuba training organisation which provides insurance and qualified instructors.
1. Scuba divers conducting a social dive for scuba qualified members only.
2. Motorcycle Social Ride on Public Roads for licensed members and complying with road laws.
3. Kayaking by competent members, observing water safety legislation in their own boats or using hired boats that provides insurance.
1. Individual training session for a conventional sport.
2. Personal PT.
Date of Activity: ...............................................
Type of Activity: ............................................................
Location of Activity: .................................................................
Grid Reference: ................................................
Primary Communication: ..............................................
Secondary Communication: ..............................................
Tertiary Communication: ..............................................
Leader(s): .................................................................
Qualifications: ..........................................................
Signature: …………………………………...
Date: ………………………..
Likelihood: .............................. Consequence: ..............................
The Micromort rating for this type of activity is ..........................
Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011
406 Beacon Information
Aerodrome Forecasts (BOM)
Aerodrome Weather Information Service (AWIS)
Aeronautical Information Package (AirServices)
Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA)
Australian Emergency Management (AME)
Australian Institute of Emergency Services (AIES)
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
Cospas-Sarsat. Satellite System for Search & Rescue
COVID-19 Border Restriction Checker
Duck for Cover (Insurance)
Emergency Alert
Fire Danger Ratings
Flightradar24 (Flight Tracking)
Hazards Near Me app (NSW Govt)
Measurement Conversions
National Relay Service
National Warnings Summary
Rescue Coordination Centre
Safe Work Australia
Shark Sighting Log (PIRSA)
Search and Rescue (AMSA)
Seafarers Safety, Rehab & Compensation Authority (Seacare)
Smart Traveller
South Australian Water Safety Committee (SAWSC)
State and Territory Emergency Services Organisations
Transport Security Incident Reporting
Triple zero (000)
World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidance on Physical Activity
RAVSTASS Process - Communications - Radio
RAVSTASS Process - Events - Complex Event Checklist
RAVSTASS YouTube - Risk Awareness (Playlist)
By participating in this activity YOU.....
* Are Willing to cooperate and/or provide assistance in event of emergency.
* Acknowledge and accept the inherent risks of this activity.
* Will conduct yourself responsibly for your own safety and the safety of others.
* Are competent in the activity and do not require training.
By choosing to participate you accept these risks as well as acknowledging that there may be further risk which have not been considered through this process. You also must observe further risk assessments/advice/instructions/signage that may be encountered at the site/activity. If you accept the above, please read on....
Sporting and recreational activities are inherently dangerous and participation may involve significant risk of injury, disability or death. Risk levels associated with sporting and recreational activities varies depending on that which is being conducted. If you do not wish to be exposed to these risks, RAVSTASS does not advise that you participate in any of our activities.

In exchange for being able to attend or participate in any RAVSTASS hosted sport or activity, I agree to release RAVSTASS from all liability for:
• My death;
• Any physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury);
• The contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease;
• The coming into existence, the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity or form of behaviour.
Full Name: .........................................................................................
Mobile: ................................................................
DOB: .........................................
• I take full responsibility for harm, disadvantage or injury caused to any other person, the community or property that may occur as a result from my actions or participation in an activity or sporting event.
• I will complete a RAVSTASS Incident Report for any accident/injury/near miss/unsafe practice/or other incident(s) of concern and complete any provided Incident Reports that are provided at the facility where the activity is conducted.
• I release RAVSTASS from any liability for any personal injury that may occur to me that may result from the supply of the recreational or sporting services.
• I am over 18 years of age.
• I am competent in the activity I am participating in.
• I understand that RAVSTASS is a sports association and not a training organisation/business.
• I understand that RAVSTASS does not have insurance and I am responsible for insuring myself.
Participant Signature: ………...............…………………………...
Date: ………………………..
Emergency Contact of Participant:
Full Name: .........................................................................................
Relationship: ......................................................................
Mobile: ................................................................